Admission in the MPH & EMPH program for the Spring 2024 session is open now. Application Deadline: January 18, 2024.

Message from Dean

There are only a few fields that are more dynamic and essential than public health, and here at Independent University, Department of Public Health, we are committed to the innovation, research, and teaching necessary to meet the global demands for the present and the future.

Today we are confronted by changing societal and global conditions affecting health- climate change, globalization, urbanization, aging populations, and the increasing chronic and communicable disease burden. This is the world in which we live where we are constantly facing new challenges and calls for new levels of innovation and leadership. To find solutions to these new health challenges and advance our commitment to public health issues, the School draws upon the talents, ideas, and resources of all its constituents: our world-class faculty, exceptional students, dedicated staff, and enterprising and committed Board members, alumni, friends, and partners.

Different public health problems threaten economic gains, both in affluent and developing countries. Of particular concern are rising levels of non-communicable diseases across the globe and communicable diseases that continue to be barriers to health improvements in developing nations.

Today’s public health issues are complex, and require collaboration across campus, with community, academic partners, public and private stakeholders around the world. We have much to learn about what makes us susceptible to many diseases, what we can do to promote good health and well being, and how to manage the long-term consequences of ill health.

The Department of Public Health is capitalizing on the breadth and depth of our partnerships across IUB and various national and international institutions and organization to share knowledge, build upon existing ground-breaking models for health promotion and disease prevention; maintain an unwavering dedication to excellence in research and education, and play a leadership role in the design of health systems for the future. We look to the future with a commitment to the values that have always shaped our work, including a fundamental focus on understanding and resolving health disparities in vulnerable populations and a continual grounding and learning from the very populations that we serve, both locally and globally.

Since joining the Department of Public Health in 2003, I have been on a truly extraordinary journey. I invite you to learn more about the IUB School of Public Health, the contribution the School has made in making public health professional who are now working home and abroad, our research priorities, and educational focus. For those committed to addressing tomorrow’s public health challenges, IUB’s School of Public Health provides countless opportunities to make a difference. I look forward to seeing you here.